Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Wicked Pirate and the Gentleman

Narrator : Look at this Pirate. He looks like he's up to no good.

Pirate : I'm going to see who I can disturb... Hey! That silly guy there looks like an easy target. Let's get him. There he is. We can sneak on him. Let's do it now or he'll run away.

Gentleman : Hey that Pirate looks awfully disgusting. Let's get out of his way.

Narrator : Oh no! What is happening here?

Gentleman : ARRGGHHH!!! I surrender! I surrender!

Pirate : Haha Haha!!! I want to create more trouble. Who should I disturb next?

-----------------THE END----------------

Playwright : Dominic

Pirate : Dominic
Gentleman : Bailey


  1. I liked your pirate costume! You looked like a real one.

  2. it very funny who are you going to bully next?
